All 18 Sermons — Darrell preaches through the story of David from the unique and powerful perspective of a counselor and director of a recovery ministry for individuals trapped in the destructive web of sexual addiction. This series looks at the issues preceding David’s sexual sin, the sin itself and the fallout that comes from a father and king who fails to grasp God’s complete and total forgiveness. (Darrell originally did part of this series in 2006, however, he revised the series in 2009. If you listened to parts of the 2006 series, you will want to listen again as there are many new insights)
Here are two sample messages from the series.
Scandal In High Places
for Free.
Beauty, Tragedy, Desolation . . . Hope!
for Free
You can order the series of 18 messages in MP3 format for a donation of $25 plus $5 shipping & handling.
You can also purchase the series of 18 messages in MP3 format for $15. Click the “Add to Cart” button below to purchase and receive a download link via email.